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Thanks for your interest! Please email with any questions. We look forward to the possibility of working with you!

August 2024
  • 105 Old Central Rd (The Cove)

  • 203 Grassy Creek Way
  • 228 Morningside Heights Dr

  • The below properties have already been leased for the 2024-2025 season and are no longer available.

    May 2025
  • 108 Fabrica St, Unit #1
  • 204 North Clemson Ave
  • 103 Pressley Dr

  • 104 Fern Circle

  • August 2025
  • 104 A Fern Circle
  • 107 A Fern Circle
  • 123 Hope Dr

  • 124-1 Clemson St
  • 124-2 Clemson St
  • 109-1 College Heights Blvd
  • 109-2 College Heights Blvd
  • 100 Gregory St
  • 200 Hedgerow Lane
  • 104 Maria Lane
  • 207 Morningside Heights Dr
  • 117 S Elm St
  • 435 Wellford Dr

  • 110 Antique Ct
  • 213 Augusta Rd
  • 111 Briar Lane
  • 120 Briar Lane
  • 200 Brook St
  • 201 Calhoun St
  • 209 Calhoun St, #303
  • 209 Calhoun St, #402
  • 112 Cambridge Dr
  • 207 Cedar Lane
  • 101 Cochran Rd
  • 105 Crestdale Ave
  • 108 Fabrica St, Unit #2
  • 406 Fife Dr
  • 123 Freedom Dr
  • 105 Grace St
  • 107 Grace St
  • 108 Grace St
  • 106 Gregory St
  • 107 Gregory St
  • 205 Morningside Heights Dr
  • 198 Payne Ln
  • 210 Pendleton Rd
  • 100-1 Pickens St
  • 100-2 Pickens St
  • 505 Plantation Rd
  • 104 Pressley Dr
  • 107 Riding Rd
  • 109 Riding Rd
  • 266 Riggs Dr
  • 206 Wesley St
  • 214 Wesley St

  • 122 Clemson St
  • 128 College Heights Blvd
  • 109 Gregory St
  • 204 Holly Ave
  • 103 Issaqueena Trail
  • 104 Laverne Court
  • 220 North Clemson Ave
  • 104 A Wigington St
  • 104 B Wigington St
  • 104 Wigington St

  • 107 Fern Circle
  • 110 Fern Circle
  • 112 Fern Circle
  • 114 Fern Circle
  • 109 Laverne Court
  • 113 Laverne Court
  • 114 Laverne Court
  • 418 Lawrence Rd
  • 107 Pressley Dr
  • Call (864)654-1007 or email for more information or to make an appointment.